The easy way and more confortable to work with PIC microcontroller is with the use of an USB to serial converter when your project can take the power needed for working you can communicate, send the RESET commande, and program the chip.
The project in Proteus simulation:
my HEX downloader with CCS PICC software:
configuration of CCS PICC:
Abriviation of project name:
BL: bootloader
B3: push button PIN_B3 (press this pb simultanusely with reset pb to start the bootloader)
16F876A: the chip used
12M: the cristal frequency
C67: serial communication PIN_C6 RXD and PIN_C7 TXD
hex downloader commande lines:
ParamStr(1): the HEX file path.
ParamStr(2): reset commande after programming.
ParamStr(3): close application before download successe.
for example:
"C:\USBCOMBL\serialhexdownloader.exe" "%H" "mclr" "exit"
for example:
"C:\USBCOMBL\serialhexdownloader.exe" "%H" "mclr" "exit"
The usb to serial used (SIM card reader) no other component needded:
connect directly theses wires to the PIC: